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Tel. 077 222 14425
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for details.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The client agrees to the following:

Acceptance of our services is deemed as acceptance of our Terms and Conditions and an agreement to pay our fees on time.

A deposit is required to secure each booking

Payment in full is required upon completion of service unless otherwise agreed in the contract.

Liability Policies:

  • PawsInFife and its employees agree to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworthy manner.  In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against PawsInFife or its employees, unless arising from gross negligence on the part of PawsInFife.  Client agrees to notify PawsInFife of any concerns within 24 hours of returning home.
  • PawsInFife  cannot be responsible for pets that bite, suffer an accidental death or escape from faulty fencing or from inside the home due to faulty screens, doors, etc.
  • PawsInFife cannot be responsible for any complications pets may suffer or actions of pets while they are unattended
  • PawsInFife  or its employees shall not be held responsible for the loss, injury, death, or actions of any pet that the client has let outside or has instructed PawsInFife  to allow outside while sitter is not there.  This includes pets with doggie doors/cat flaps and outdoor pets.
  • The client understands that all pets (where appropriate) must have a veterinarian .  Client agrees to reimburse PawsInFife  for all costs (including, but not limited to, medical care and lost wages) associated with contracting any ailments while exposed to pet(s).
  • PawsInFife will not sit for acutely ill animals or those with uncontrolled medical conditions. We suggest the  pet be boarded with a vet.
  • PawsInFife  does not accept aggressive animals.  Client agrees to be responsible for all costs (including, but not limited to, medical care, legal fees, etc) if client’s pet should bite another person or animal. PawsInFife reserves the right to stop walking a dog that shows aggression to people or other animals.
  • PawsInFife will not walk unruly or untrained dogs or dogs that choke themselves on their leash.  All pets must be walked on a leash, no exceptions.
  • PawsInFife does not diagnose, prognose, or make therapy decisions, nor does it offer veterinary services.  Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian.
  • Client authorises PawsInFife  to obtain the services of a locksmith should a key/garage opener malfunction.   Client is responsible for all charges.
  • We reserve the right to either impose supplementary charges and /or terminate this agreement if, the assignment changes from the description given by the client and needs more time or responsibility or if there is a change in the nature of the assignment which could not have  been reasonably  foreseen by the client or either party.
  • Job sharing is not covered under our insurance.  We can not be responsible for your pet or home if another service provider enters your property while we are not there.
  • Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be received within 48 hours of scheduled visit  for the deposit to be returned. PawsInFife  reserves the right to deny service or terminate service because of safety concerns, financial concerns, or inappropriate or uncomfortable situations.
  • Business Hours: Normal Business and visiting hours fall between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. and services are usually completed during this time unless we are behind schedule.  PawsInFife will not accept time specific calls as we can not guarantee specific times accurately.
  • Bad Cheque Policy: A £15. fee is assessed on all returned cheques.  All fees are due promptly and must be paid via cheque or cash only.
  • Emergencies: Client agrees to authorise PawsInFife to handle any emergencies that may arise. PawsInFife  will make every effort to contact client, however client gives PawsInFife   authority to act in the pet’s/home’s best interest. PawsInFife is not responsible for pets in these circumstances.
  • Payment Arrangement: In the event of additional unforeseen visits or other costs (such as food, supplies, or vet fees), payment is expected within 5 days of the completion of services or a late charge of £10 will be applied.

By signing below the client fully understands and agrees to the contents of this agreement:

Client’s signature –                                   Date